Position Statements

A Position Statement is a broad, flexible statement of the Junior League of Champaign-Urbana’s general position on a specified public issue and its commitment to take action on that issue. A Position Statement becomes the basis or frame of reference under which the Junior League of Champaign-Urbana can conduct advocacy. It covers an area of public concern of League members and is germane to projects and programs of the League and its community partners.

A Position Statement allows JLCU—alone or in partnership with other Leagues or community partners—to
(a) participate in a coalition working to address the issue;
(b) support, oppose, introduce, or amend legislation
at the local, state, or federal level; or
(c) educate our membership as to the impact of the issue in Champaign County.

Current Position Statements

Primary Position Statement(s)

Basic Family and Student Needs for School Readiness: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that support its long-term strategic impact area, Basic Needs for School Readiness, such that all children are prepared for success in the classroom by having stable resources.

As such, the Junior League of Champaign-Urbana may advocate within each of the following impact areas, as they relate to Basic Needs for School Readiness:

Child Protection and Welfare: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that protect the physical, social, and emotional welfare of children in our community.

Families: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that enable and encourage families to prepare their children for success in the classroom.

Health: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that address the physical, emotional, mental, vision, and dental health needs of children.

Hunger: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that combat food insufficiency, alleviate hunger, and ensure that all children have access to nutritious meals.

Literacy: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that encourage and improve literacy efforts for children in our community, both inside and outside the school environment.

Shelter: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that provide short- and long-term housing for children and their families.

School Preparedness: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that ensure that schools and teachers have the professional and material resources to provide success in the classroom.

Voluntarism: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that recognize voluntarism as an essential, effective component of our society and encourage voluntarism for personal development and as a means to innovate and advocate for meaningful change.

Women: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that provide fair and equal opportunities for women and develop the potential of and prepare women for civic leadership.

The Position Statement was approved by the Board of Directors in March 2012 and was ratified and passed by the General Membership in April 2012.

Additional Position Statements

Advocacy efforts are targeted to legislation and action within JLCU’s long-term strategic impact area but may also include other focus areas, as approved by the Board and/or the general membership. Focus area(s) include or have historically included:
Arts and Culture: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that encourage development of the arts, continuing opportunities for art education, and community access to all cultural resources.

Domestic Violence: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that aide in the elimination of domestic violence by programs and legislation designed to understand the problem, assist and protect the victims, and work effectively with the abuser.

Environment: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that ensure the protection of a healthful environment and the preservation of natural resources.

Health: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation, programs, and preventative measures that concern public health issues.

Human Trafficking: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that combat human trafficking, ensure that victims are not treated as criminals, and provide assistance to victims and their children.

Well-being and Growth: JLCU is committed to introducing, supporting, and acknowledging the creation and enforcement of legislation and programs that provide opportunities and services essential for the physical, intellectual, mental, and social growth for Children, Women, Senior Citizens, Citizens with disabilities, and Families.

The Position Statement was approved by the Board of Directors in April 2017  and was ratified and passed by the General Membership in May 2017.